Leading Through Crisis with Céline Williams

Truth Telling in Business with Sabrina Horn

Episode Summary

In today's episode of the podcast, PR Expert/Advisor and Author, Sabrina Horn talks to us about the importance of truth telling in business, why "faking it" will sabotage your success and some best practices for moving forward in times of crisis.

Episode Notes

We also get into:
- The dangers of cancel culture
- The exceptional value of values
- The different ways we may be "faking it" and what to do instead

Sabrina reminds us that there's a difference between risking it and faking it... that when we're faking it there's an intent to deceive (a fine but IMPORTANT point).

Join us for the full conversation! And, let us know whether you agree or disagree that "doing anything other than being honest will, ultimately, sabotage your success."


To learn more about Sabrina Horn, visit www.sabrinahorn.com. You can also find her on all social platforms by searching her name (@sabrinahorn).

Her book, "Make It, Don't Fake It: Leading with Authenticity for Real Business Success" can be found at all major booksellers (with samples and accompaniments on her site).

Episode Transcription

- I'm Celine Williams, and welcome to the Leading Through Crisis podcast, a conversation series exploring resiliency and leadership in challenging times. My guest today is Sabrina Horn, who is an award-winning CEO communications expert speaker, advisor, and author of "Make It, Don't Fake It: Leading with Authenticity for Real Business Success." Thank you for being here with me today, Sabrina.