Leading Through Crisis with Céline Williams

Highest and Best Use Leadership with Robert Jordan

Episode Summary

This week’s guest, Robert Jordan is a Founder and CEO of Interim Execs, as well as Co-Author of the book, Right Leader, Right Time. We discuss the four winning styles of leadership, discovering your highest and best use, successful leadership traits, and so much more. Join us for this endlessly fun conversation!

Episode Notes

Founder, CEO, and Author, Robert Jordan has had a ringside seat to leadership success, in real-time, for years. 

Today, we get into:
- Common characteristics of successful leaders
- The 4 Winning Leadership Styles
- How 90% of leaders are in the wrong role
- Discovering your “highest and best use”
- Diversity of leadership styles and teamwork

I find Robert endlessly fun and hope you’ll join us for this conversation! 

We would love for you to let us know what YOU walk away with.

“90% of leaders don’t have the ultimate experience they could have in their careers. 90% are in the wrong role, according to Gallup.”

“The longer you do something, it should hopefully lead to more security, satisfaction, and happiness.” 

Robert Jordan is a Founder and CEO of Interim Execs, as well as Co-Author of the book, Right Leader, Right Time. To learn more about Interim Execs, visit interimexecs.com. To purchase the book or to take the FABS Leadership Assessment, visit rightleader.com. You can also connect with Robert on LinkedIn (@robertjjordan) or Twitter (@Interim_Execs).

Episode Transcription

- I'm Celine Williams, and welcome to the Leading Through Crisis podcast, a conversation series exploring resiliency and leadership in challenging times. My guest today is Robert Jordan who runs a company called Interim Execs and is the co-author of "Right Leader, Right Time: Discover Your Leadership Style for Winning Career and Company." Thank you for being here, Bob. I'm gonna call you Bob, but thank you for being here, Robert Jordan, not the author of "Wheel of Time."