Leading Through Crisis with Céline Williams

Conscious Leadership with Dale Allen & Trevor Stevenson

Episode Summary

In this episode, we are talking about conscious leadership with Executive Coaches, Dale Allen & Trevor Stevenson. Learn how to practice awareness, shift and reframe the narrative, prevent and reduce harm... plus so much more. I hope you'll join us!

Episode Notes

Today's guests are Executive Coaches, Dale Allen & Trevor Stevenson, whose passion lies in helping others understand and practice conscious leadership.

Dale says, “People will experience crisis, multiple times in a day, and sometimes it’s because of me, unintentionally... Our hope is that, by having conversations like these, more people would value doing this particular work, understanding that it’s not just, 'I have this title and I’m an expert in X.' But, also, 'I have a social contract with everyone that I meet and lead. AND, I honor that contract, intentionally.'"

In this episode, we also talk about: 
- Practicing awareness
- Shifting or reframing the narrative
- The definition of neuroplasticity
- What responsible leadership looks like
- Empathy at work
- Preventing or reducing harm
and more!

I hope you'll join us for a truly fascinating and very important conversation on what it means to be a conscious leader and to care for yourself and your people well.


Dale Allen and Trevor Stevenson are the Founders of and Executive Coaches at Conscious Lead Life (www.consciouslead.life).

Dale is most passionate about working with inspiring and seriously committed leaders who want to prevent toxic conversations, relationships, workplaces, communities, and homes. 

She has a Master’s Degree in Human Kinetics with specializations in Gerontology and Adapted Kinesiology from Lakehead University. She is certified as an Executive Coach, Process Facilitator, and in the Bar-On Method of Emotional Intelligence Testing. She is also a Yoga Instructor/Fitness and Health Coach who loves nourishing food, reggae music and sweet ocean vibes -- there’s, honestly, nothing that brings her more joy than a spontaneous dance party, so don’t even try to fight it! 

With a sense of adventure as his guide, Trevor brings 100% of his energy to being in the moment. His unconventional background in long-term world travel, live music, sports, and even farming adds up to his deep respect for people’s experiences. 

In his coaching, Trevor makes deep and transformational change fun. His clients might do hard emotional and mental work, but there will never be a session without a laugh. His unique campfire-coach approach to leadership helps his clients reflect in a safe environment and encourages solutions. Trevor shares, from great depth, everything he's learned and is practicing.

You can find them on all social platforms by searching, Conscious Lead Life.

Episode Transcription

- I am Celine Williams, and welcome to the Leading Through Crisis Podcast, a conversation series exploring resiliency and leadership in challenging times. My guests today are Dale Allen and Trevor Stevenson who are a dynamic duo of conscious leadership coaches who work with over busy executives who are trying to not burn out while taking care of their people and still deliver results, as well as new leaders dealing with imposter syndrome. Welcome, Dale and Trevor.